About IQAC

The IQAC plays an active role in internalizing a culture of quality within the institution. This culture is maintained and sustained by several initiatives taken by the Cell through the year. During the academic year 2015-16, the members of the IQAC should involve in defining and implementing the mechanisms and procedures to improve the quality in Academics & Administration.

Orientation sessions will be conducted for the faculty and periodical meetings/ discussions with department faculty representatives will be conducted to collate the data pertaining to various activities of the departments. The writing process or documentation work will be carried out by IQAC for different committees in the view of Vision and Mission of the Institution. The KPRIT Wing’s meets periodically to plan activities which will enhance the quality culture in the campus. The IQAC will be involved in preparing & maintaining JNTU and AICTE inspection reports regularly. IQAC highlights the activities or events conducted in various departments to different stakeholders of the college.

IQAC organizes Skill building programmes regularly for both teaching and non-teaching staff through its activities as an agent of change in the institution ensuring efficient performance of academic and administrative tasks.


  • 1. Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • 2. Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
  • 3. Acting as a nodal agency of the institution for quality-related activities.
  • 4. Equitable access to and affordability of academic Activities/Events for various stakeholders of the KPRIT Institution
  • 5. Optimization, Integration and Usage of Modern/Innovative methods in teaching and learning Process
  • 6. The credibility of Assessment & Evaluation procedures in Academics.
  • 7. Ensuring the Adequacy, Maintenance and proper allocation of basic amenities & support structure and services.
  • 8. Sharing of resources and Collaborative works with other institutions and Industries.
S.no Name Designation
1Dr. D. EshwarChairman, IQAC
2Dr.Sreenath KashyapCoordinator, IQAC
3K. Prashanth ReddyManagement Member
4Dr.C.VeenaHOD, CSE Dept
5Dr.BiradarSuryakanthHOD, Civil Dept
6Dr. G. Bhaskar Dharma RaoHOD, H&S Dept
7P. Vinay KumarHOD, MECH Dept
8K. Kranthi KumarHOD, EEE Dept
9G. NagarajuSenior Staff
10Y. Vishwa SriSenior Staff
11Dr.VipulDabhiSenior Staff
12K. SrinivasaRaoSenior Staff
13B. RameshSenior Staff
14G. SujathaSenior Staff
15E. SamathaSreeSenior Staff
16Y. Gopal ReddyLocal Community, Sarpanch, Ghanpur
17S. Mary Veenasa (18RA1A0523)Student member
18B.RohithGoud(18RA1A0425)Student member
19T N S N Muneshwar(18RA1A0304)Student member
20Md.Zubairuddin(19RA5A0212)Student member
21M.Vinay Kumar(19RA5A0140)Student member
22M.Tanesh Reddy(17RA1A0542)Alumni Member
23K.Kunal(17RA1A0417)Alumni Member
24I.PrashanthIndustry Nominee
25P.MaheshIndustry Nominee
IQAC Summary Report
2019-20 Action Taken report onFeedback