About Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DS)

About Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DS)

The Department of Computer Science And Engineering was established in the year 2008. Experienced professors guide the department aiming at educating and training students with sound knowledge and awareness in the fields of Computers, Communication, and Information Technology.

The major goal of the Department of Computer Science And Engineering is to produce highly knowledgeable, competent and resourceful young engineers who can perform well in a wide variety of job profiles. To achieve this, curriculum provides a strong foundation in both the analytic, computing and technological aspects of Computer Science Engineering. It also provides ample opportunities to students to work on mini-projects, develop communication skills, explore internship opportunities in industry and world-class universities and take part in national and international design contests.

The Department of CSE also organizes Workshops, Expert Talks, Project Expo, Poster Presentation competitions for the students. The department has established the Remote Centre in Supported with IIT Bombay.

Core Companies offering Computer Science And Engineering IMCS group , Madhees Techno Pvt Ltd, Proto Tech Solutions, SIG, ERT Technologies, Multiplier, Stealth Technologies, BYJU’s, Aliens Developers Pvt Ltd.