OBE Workshops
S.no | Name of the Event | Duration |
1 | FDP on Outcome based Education in association with E&ICT academy NIT Warangal | 28th June 2018 to 2nd July 2018 |
2 | Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching, Learning and Research. | 06-06-2018 |
3 | FDP on Developing Moodle-enabled Blended Learning Courses | November 27th- December 1st 2018 |
4 | Two Day FDP on NBA Outcome Based Education Training Sessions for faculty | March 23rd – March 24th 2019 |
A five days workshop on Outcome Based Education was organized by KPRIT College from 28th June 2018 to 2nd July in association with E&ICT Academy NIT Warangal. The workshop started with a lamp lightening ceremony by our respected Principal Dr. D. Eshwar and resource persons of other organizations. The speaker of the first session on29thJune is Dr. Shyamal K Das Mandal from NIT Warangal. He clearly explained what is Outcome Based Education and how it is different from the traditional education methods with effective power point presentations. On the next day of workshop i.e., 30th June Dr. I. A. K Reddy, Senior Professor of NIT Warangal, in this session explained the benefits of OBE and its importance for the teaching faculty in the present era. On the same day afternoon session was a question and answer session where different faculties belonging to different fields have cleared their doubts related to OBE. On the 3rd day of workshop i.e., on 1st July 2018, the session started at 10:30 am and continued in a very interesting way by Dr A. Venu Gopal. He explained various methods of assessment of the candidates during the program and how to make assessments on various assessment tools for measuring Course Outcomes include Mid -Semester and End Semester Examinations, Tutorials, Assignments, Project work, Labs, Presentations, Employer/Alumni Feedback etc.
The 4th and the 5th day went smoothly in learning different principles to be adopted in the teaching methods by the faculty. We learned how to write the course outcomes of Engineering programs are widely discussed. All the sessions lead by these experienced facilitators were descriptive, interactive and learning based in line with OBE process
The valedictory session was scheduled at 3:45 PM on 5th July, 2018. The Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. S. Sreenath Kashyap. All faculties of KPRIT actively participated in the workshop and gained the knowledge related to the OBE. The certificates were distributed to the faculties who participated in the workshop and made it a grand success.

FDP on Developing Moodle-enabled Blended Learning Courses November 27th- December 1st 2018
The FDP on Developing Moodle enabled Blended Learning course is started with a lamp lightening ceremony at 10:00 AM on 27th November 2018. After the session the expert Dr. Indra Koneru explained about the MOODLE and its importance in the field of teaching and learning process. She also gave and in depth knowledge hands on session on Moodle hands on practice, Sharing resources, Creating resource, course introductory video, Moodle APP, Creating Question bank & Quiz, Creating conditional activities, communicating activities, Managing grade book etc.

To improve teaching skills among faculties a One day Faculty Development Program on Effective Teaching, Learning and Research was organized by KPRIT College on 6-6-2018 by Dr. N S Murthy Retd. Professor Dean NIT Warangal. The FDP started with a lamp lightening ceremony by our respected Principal Dr. S. P. Venu Madhava Rao and resource persons of other organizations.
The expert faculty gave an in depth knowledge on how to teach effectively using different teaching aids and methods. He gave a great exposure on how to publish and frame a paper effectively without plagiarism. All the faculties got inspired by his talk and are greatly enthusiased by his wide area of expertise. Different teaching methods have been discussed by the expert faculty.
The valedictory program started at 3:30 pm in a peaceful manner and our principal Dr. S. P. Venu Madhava Rao felicitated our expert speaker. Memento was presented by the management of our college and thankful note was given by Dr. S Sreenath Kashyap, Vice Principal of KPRIT.
A Two days workshop on Outcome Based Education Training sessions for faculty was organized by KPRIT College from 23rd March 2019 to 24th March 2019. The workshop started with a lamp lightening ceremony by our respected Principal Dr. D. Eshwar and resource persons of other organizations. The speaker of the first session on Dr. Hanumandlu Professor and Dean Department of Computer Science, IIT Delhi. He had clearly explained about the the benefits of OBE and its importance for the teaching faculty in the present era. On the next session Dr. N Kiran Kumar from NIT Warangal explained regarding the importance of various activities and its impact on the students which will help in the attainment etc. on the next day the session started at 10:30 am and continued in a very interesting way by Dr. PV Rao professor from NIT Warangal. He explained various methods of assessment and assessment tools for measuring the course outcomes. The another two sessions were taken by Dr. B. Srinivas Professor ECE NIT Warangal in which he discussed regarding the various teaching learning methods which need to adopted in order to make the student interesting. The last session was taken by Dr. Suresh babu in which he discussed in detail about the implementation of OBE and its impact on the institutional growth.
The valedictory session was scheduled at 4:30 PM on 24th March , 2019. All faculties of KPRIT actively participated in the workshop and gained the knowledge related to the OBE.