Electronics & Communication - Research Contribution

Research Contribution - Funded Research:

S.no Project Title Name of the Faculty Funding Agency Approximate cost Duration
1 IoT based School Children Safety Management System using RFID, GSM and GPS. Dr. Harinarayan Prathihari (PI) Dr.Alex Balu Rajan (Co- PI) SRK Travels 4.55 Lakhs 12 Months
2 Design and Implementation of New Human Voice Recognition System Using Graphical User Interface for Robotics Applications Dr. SAnjeet K Sinha (PI) Mrs. M Srilekha (Co-PI) AP Antenna Products 5.75 Lakhs 24 Months
3 An Efficient Implementation of Data Encryption Standard Dr.S.P. Venu Madhava Rao (PI) Mr. K. Shyam (Co-PI) SAK Informatics 7.00 Lakhs 24 Months
4 Rope Climbing Robot with Fire Detection and Prevention Dr.S.Sreenath Kashyap (PI) P. Snigdha Kamala (Co-PI) Orange Research Labs 6.10 Lakhs 36 Months
5 Medical Image Fusion based on Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Dr. Vipul M Dabhi (PI) Mrs. B. Krishna Veni (Co-PI) SAK Informatics 7.25 Lakhs 36 Months
6 IoT based Real Time Voice Controlled and Head Movement Based Wheelchair for Multimodal Applications. IoT based Real Time Voice Controlled and Head Movement Based Wheelchair for Multimodal Applications. SRK Travels 7.75 Lakhs 36 Months
Consultancy (from Industry) (5)
1 Image Based Biometric Authentication Dr. Vipul Dabhi (PI) Mr. K. Shyam (Co-PI) Orange Research Labs 4.0 Lakhs December 2018 to November 2020
2 Content Development Dr. S.Sreenath Kashyap (PI) Mr. T. Murali Krishna (Co-PI) Learn IT Hub 6.95 Lakhs November 2018 to October 2021
3 Drunk Driving & Rash Driving Checker Dr. Vipul M Dabhi (PI) Mrs. B. Krishnaveni (Co-PI) SRK Travels 7.75 Lakhs April 2019 to March 2022
1 Content Development Dr. S.P. Venu Madhava Rao (PI) Mrs. Y. Vishwa Sri (Co-PI) Hebeon Technologies 5.40 Lakhs 24 Months
2 Design of Antenna Jammer Dr. S. Sreenath Kashyap (PI) Mrs. P. Snigdha Kamala (Co-PI) AP Antenna Products 6.00 Lakhs 24 Months
3 Speed Check for bus Dr. Vipul M Dabhi (PI) Mrs. Srilekha (Co-PI) SRK Travels 8.00 Lakhs 36 Months
1 IoT based Home Automation system Dr. Sanjeet Sinha (PI) Mr. Ram Reddy (Co-PI) SRS Technologies 3.35 Lakhs 12 Months
2 Content Development Dr. Sanjeet Sinha (PI) Mr. Teresa Jincy Joseph (Co-PI) Pyramid Education and Training Solutions 5.00 Lakhs 12 Months
1 Content Development Dr. Harinarayan Prathihari(PI) Dr Alex Balan (Co-PI) Hebeon Technologies 5.40 Lakhs June 2015 to May 2016
Product Development: 2018-19
S.no Project Title Domain Faculty
1 Office Boy Robot Robotics + Embedded Vipul M Dabhi
2 An Application of image processing techniques for Detection of Diseases on Cotton Plants Using GLCM and K-Means Clustering with SVM Classifier MATLAB Krishna Veni
3 Visibility Enhancement of Images Captured in Dusty Weather via Tuned Tri-Threshold Fuzzy Intensification Operators MATLAB Shaik Imam Vali
S.no Project Title Domain Faculty
1 Highly Secured Biometric Authentication System with Palm Print Identification MATLAB Srilekha
2 Real Time Smart Grass Cutting Robot Robotics + Embedded SreenathKashyap
S.no Project Title Domain Faculty
1 HyperspectralUnmixing In the Presence of Mixed Noise Using Joint Sparsity and Total Variation MATLAB Y. Vishwa Sri
2 IoT based Real-Time Atomization of Agricultural Environment for Social Modernization of Indian Agricultural System IoT+ Embedded P. Snigdha Kamala
S.no Project Title Domain Faculty
1 Scan Test Bandwidth Management for Ultra Large-Scale System-on-Chip Architectures(VLSI) VLSI K. Shyam