Examination Mechanism

Examination Mechanism

Mechanism of internal assessment

The Internal Assessment system is carried out in a systematic manner and is transparent. Theory courses, Laboratory courses, Seminars and Project works are evaluated internally. During the induction program, the first year students are oriented by the personnel from the exam cell regarding the evaluation system (both internal and external). The changes in evaluation system, if any, are communicated to the students.

A detailed academic calendar is available on the website and notice-boards of the Departments. Thus, students know about the dates of examinations well in advance and they can plan their study accordingly. Students are made aware of various parameters of Internal Evaluation system. The internal marks are based on the mid tests and Assignments for theory courses.

Different faculty members may teach the same course for different section/branch students. In such cases, internal question papers for descriptive examination are collected separately from each faculty member and selected one among them before the start of the examination. The answer scripts of internal examinations are shown to the students after evaluation to bring out discrepancies, if any, to the notice of teacher concerned, and the necessary corrections are carried out. For the Assignment test, five questions are given to each student well before the mid examinations. They need to refer various text books and other resources, answer them and submit to the respective faculty member before the commencement of mid exams. They are evaluated by the respective faculty members and shown to students to bring out discrepancies, if any, necessary corrections are made and marks are noted. The assignment scripts are returned to students for further reference.

In laboratory courses, day to day evaluation is done in each laboratory session and marks are posted in the students record book. The consolidated list of marks in each midterm exam is displayed in the notice boards and same is communicated to the parents. Project work and Seminar evaluations are done by respective committees based on the rubrics defined by considering various parameters. The rubrics are informed well in advance to students at the begining of the semester. After the evaluation, the marks are displayed in the notice boards for verification. The performance of the students regarding the internal test marks and attendance are entered in Automation System. (ECAP). The parents are informed about the internal assessment marks through SMS and posts.

Mechanism to deal with internal/external examination related grievances:

The Institute conducts two types of examinations, Internal Examination and External Examination.

External Examinations are conducted by the University and the Internal Examinations are conducted by the Institute.

As part of Internal Examinations, internal assignment and mid examinations are conducted. The examinations are conducted with utmost care given to transparency and fairness.

The hall tickets are issued to the students for University Examinations well in advance. Any grievance related to the hall ticket like printing of wrong name or delay in issuance is addressed by the exam cell. The exam cell immediately looks into the matter and takes necessary actions. The issues of the students are dealt with high priority and solved as soon as possible.

The question papers for internal examinations are prepared by the respective teachers and approved by the head of the concerned departments. Four sets are prepared and one set randomly selected on the day of examination. This ensures fairness and removes the chance of usage of unfair methods.

The external question papers are printed 15 minutes before the commencement of examination after receiving password from University.

In the event of a student is found using unfair means during examinations, the following measures are adopted to address this situation

Firstly, the subject expert is called to verify whether the material carried is related to the subject and mentioned in the question paper. If the material has appeared in the question paper the principal is notified about the incident. The principal then communicates the necessary recommendations to the affiliated university. The university then replies based on the letter received. The punishment is then decided by the university and implemented by the college.

Post internal examinations, students are given back their evaluated answer scripts. These answer scripts are corrected by the teachers in the examination cell under the supervision of a controller / in-charge. Students are permitted to assess their own performance and seek any clarifications to the teacher. In case they are entitled to more marks, teachers do the needful. Following the review of answer scripts, the marks are entered in a register before forwarding them to the university.

In the case of external examination, any grievance is addressed by the examination branch. The student in need of help explains his/her grievance to the person in-charge who reviews the situation and provides a solution. In case the university needs to be contacted, a standard fee is collected. Upon receiving the fee, the college in-charge represents the issue to the university and pursues it till it is solved. The university then re evaluates the student’s performance and communicates their decision.

Adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE

The institution ensures effective time management and timeliness. It receives the university given timeline and adheres to it. In the beginning of the academic year, academic calendar is published by the University for Respective Course. The Institute carries out effective planning to stick to academic calendar. This allows the teachers and the students to space out their teaching and learning and regular assessment of the same.

The Institute conducts assessment to the students in three different components - theory, objective and assignments. The theory component is marked out of 10. The objective component is marked out of 10. The assignment is marked out of 5. These tests are conducted in evenly spaced out intervals to avoid pressuring the students with too many examinations.

Every academic year consists of two semesters. Each semester is to be of 16 weeks. The first Continuous Internal Examination (CIE- I) also known as MID-I along with the Lab Internal-1 is conducted after 8 weeks of class work. CIE- II (MID- II) and Lab Internal- II are conducted after 16 weeks of class work. Within the above mentioned 8 weeks of class work, the concerned syllabus is taught to the students. They are then tested on the same material.

An average of both these examinations is calculated to attain the final internal marks of the student. These marks are also vitalized to decide the course of nature for teaching slow students and rectify their performance before the external examination.

All question papers are set based on the OBE format. They are mapped with their respective course outcomes that are stated in the beginning of the course

The assignments given to the students involve unaddressed program outcomes. This helps the students attain knowledge beyond the syllabus as these topics are not covered by the exams conducted by the university but are still relevant. These assignments are given within a set timeframe. The students are to complete them within the time given to adhere to the university’s timeline.

Following the university calendar, every department creates internal calendars to ensure timely delivery of syllabus. Every teacher follows a strict agenda that is discussed and approved by the head of their respective department. This is followed by deducing a day-to-day division of topics and chapters. These topics and chapters are chosen keeping the upcoming CIE in mind. The timeline created allows for the students to complete the given syllabus in enough time. The students are given plenty of time before the examinations as well to prepare and practice their concepts.

In case of any required change, the university communicates the modification to the college and the college enforces the same. In any condition, the academic calendar is followed and respected by teachers of all departments.

Annual Reports




