Infrastructure - Facilities for Divyangjan

Facilities for Differently Abled Friendliness (Divyangjan)

KPRIT is keen in providing the facilities for differently abled persons our institution is designed/ constructed in keeping the basic needs of differently abled persons and providing a friendly atmosphere, it is very friendly campus for all types of differently abled persons.

  • Physical facilities: Our institution is providing Physical facilities like wheelchairs, Stretchers and hand sticks for physically challenged persons.
  • Ramp/Rails: Ramp facility is also available in the campus.
  • Braille Software: To assist visually challenged students Braille software – JAWS is installed in computers but so far no visually challenged students have joined in our college.
  • Restrooms: Differently abled friendly Restrooms and common rooms are available.
  • Scribes: Our college also provides Scribes for assisting the Divyagjan during various examinations including University examinations and as well as outside examinations.
  • Motivational guest lecturers: We are conducting some motivational guest lectures and awareness lectures on how to help the Divyangjan and separate counseling sessions are also organized.

Facilities for Divyangjan, KPRIT
Facilities for Divyangjan, KPRIT
Facilities for Divyangjan, KPRIT
Facilities for Divyangjan, KPRIT
Facilities for Divyangjan, KPRIT