Infrastructure - NPTEL


NPTEL stands for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. This is an initiative by seven Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee and Guwahati) and Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc)-Bangalore in 2003 for creating course contents in engineering and sciences. Contents for these video courses are based on the model curriculum suggested by AICTE and the syllabi of major affiliating Universities of India. The main objective of NPTEL program is to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country by developing curriculum based video and web courses. This is being carried out by seven IITs and IISc Bangalore as a collaborative project. Five major engineering disciplines have been covered in this project so far at the undergraduate (B.Tech) level.

Currently, more than 940 courses are available on web portal for viewing and downloading. NPTEL also has initiated open online courses with certification where courses in different domains are regularly launched. Courses are free to enroll and are available at

At the end of the course a certification exam (optional) is held on specific dates at specific centers. In addition, a number of core curriculum courses common to all engineering programmes such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, management, electronics, language etc. have also been included. KPRIT e-Learning Centre, had setup KPRIT-NPTEL Local chapter in July 2017.

The main objective of this KPRIT-NPTE Local Chapter is to create awareness and enable students to obtain certification programme and make employable or pursue a suitable higher education. Students and Faculty members of the Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology can watch these video courses within the campus to enhance their subject knowledge.

Sr. No.TitleSource
1NPTEL Video Streaming (Works in Internet and Intranet )