1. Dr. D. Eshwar, DrMerlene Grace Varghese and B.Ramesh , A System Interpreting and Supervising Database Access for Detection of Anomaly Application, Universal Review, Volume VIII, Issue IV, APRIL/2019, PP- 1583-1588, ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
2. R. Krishna Nayak, A. Hareesha and A. ShirishContent Based Image Retrieval System Using Integrated FeatureExtraction Approach, Universal Review, Volume VIII, Issue III, MARCH/2019, PP- 920-925,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
3. E. Raghu, A. Shirisha, A. Prakash, Knowledge based Propagation for Query Facets, International Journal of Research, Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018, PP-1396-1401,ISSN NO: 2236-6124.
4. K. Suparna, B. Ramesh, G.Divya, An Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization for Positioning ofMultiple Sinks in WSNs, International Journal of Research, Volume 7, Issue X, October/2018, PP-1363-1368, ISSN NO:2236-6124.
5. Dr. D. Eshawr , P. Manikarnika , DrMerlene Grace Varghese, Segmentation based Biomedical Image Retrieval with Low-level Feature Extraction, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume VIII, Issue VII, JULY/2018, PP-2248-2252, ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
6. BalaThripuraSundari, R. Krishna Nayak, K. Suparna, A Novel Hybrid Model for Stress Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume VIII, Issue VII, JULY/2018, PP-2253-2257,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
7. Dr. Marlene Grace Varghese, G. Divya , E. Raghu, Remote Data Unity Checking with Seclusion Enhancement for Stored Cloud Data, International Journal of Research, Volume VIII, Issue II, February/2019, PP-1731-1737, ISSN NO:2236-6124.
8. K. Suparna, K. BalaThripuraSundari , K. VenataRamu, A New Thresholding based Approach for Wormhole Attack Prevention in MANETs,International Journal of Research, Volume 7, Issue 11, November/2018, PP-2231-2236,ISSN NO: 2236-6124.
9. Dr. D. Eshwar, R. Krishna Nayak,K. Suparna, Profitable Routing for Packet Investigation and Recognize Method in Wireless Sensor Networks, Universal Review, Volume VII, Issue VI, JUNE/2018, PP- 203-209, ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
10. K. BalaThripuraSundari , K. Suparna , A. Shirisha , A Composition of Process Genetic to Cloud Service Reporter , Universal Review , Volume VII, Issue VI, JUNE/2018 ,PP-210-217 , ISSN NO : 2277-2723 .
11. P. Manikarnika , E. Raghu , B. Ramesh, Improving Search Technique for Searching Data in the Encrypted Cloud Storage , International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering , Volume IX, Issue I, JANUARY/2019 , PP- 4053-4058 , ISSN NO : 2249-7455 .
12. Dr. D. Eshawr , B. Ramesh , K. BalaThripuraSundari ,A Power Efficient Network Layer Routing Protocol Using Cross Layer Design with Ant Colony Optimization , International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ,Volume VIII, Issue XII, DECEMBER/2018 ,PP- 6351-6356 ,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
13. K. Venkataramu , E. Raghu , A. Hareesha ,An Effective Processing of Query with Predictive Energy Saving Online Scheduling Approach ,International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering , Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2019 , PP- 6525-6531,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
14. Dr. Marlene Grace Varghese , R. Krishna Naik , A. VenuGopal ,A Novel and Efficient Secure Scheme for Cloud Storage Data with Key Vulnerability ,Universal Review ,PP- 662-668 , ISSN NO : 2277-2723
1. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak, Artificial Chemical Functional Link Network for Prediction of Stock Market Index”, Evolving Systems,Springer,ISSN 1868-6478.
2. K. BalaThripuraSundari , A. Venugopal , B. Ramesh,Compatibility Encryption Scheme with Function Key Revocation Technique in Cloud Computing ,International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering,Volume 7, Issue 8, AUGUST/2017,PP- 64-68,ISSN NO : 2249-7455 .
3. B. Saida , M. Praveen, K. Suparna,A Robust Detection of Packet Dropping Attacks in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks,International Journal of Research,Volume 6, Issue 7, July /2017,PP- 62-69,ISSN NO:2236-6124.
4. P. Janaki , P. Manikarnika, K. BalaThipuraSundari,Finding Node Collapse in Mobile Wireless Networks: A Feasibility Model,Universal Review,Volume VI, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2017,PP- 68-71,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
5. K. Venaktaramu, A. Hareesha , Dr. Sarat Chandra Nayak,Load Balancing and Efficient Cloud Analysis Service in Social Networks,Universal Review,Volume VI, Issue VI, JUNE/2017,PP- 83-88,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
6. K. Venkatramu, Prof. K. Jagan Mohan, A. Venugopal,A Novel Heterogeneous Framework for Public Cloud Storage,International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences,Volume 7, Issue 5, MAY/2017,PP- 74-78,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
7. R. Krishna Nayak , K. BalaThripuraSundari , G. Divya,Assured Data in Cloud using Cryptographic Methods,Universal Review,Volume VI, Issue VI, JUNE/2017,PP- 89-92,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
8. T. Aswani , P. Janaki , B. Ramesh,A Robust and Secure Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data,International Journal of Research,Volume 6, Issue XII, December/2017,PP- 95-98,ISSN NO : 2236-6124.
9. G. Divya, G. Saritha , A. Venugopal,Topic-Based Recommendation with User-Product Subgroup Model,International Journal of Research,Volume 7, Issue II, February/2018,PP- 122-129,ISSN NO:2236-6124.
10. K. BalaThripuraSundari , K. Venkataramu , Dr. K. Kiran Kumar,Supervise Data Service in Multi-Cloud Storage Using Cryptographic Model,International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering,Volume VIII, Issue V, MAY/2018,PP- 2045-2050,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
11. K. Suparna , R. Krishna Nayak , B. Saida,A Static Approach for Routing Inquiries in Amorphous Peer-to-Peer Networks,Universal Review,Volume VI, Issue XI, NOVEMBER/2017,PP- 182-186,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
12. G. Saritha , G. Divya , Prof. K. Jagan Mohan,Assignment Seclusion Secure Location Proof Updates for Mobile Application,Universal Review,Volume VI, Issue XII, DECEMBER/2017,PP- 204-208,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
13. B. Ramesh , Prof. K. Jagan Mohan , A. Hareesha,Two-Cloud Secure Database for Numeric-Related SQL Range Queries with Privacy Preserving,Universal Review,Volume VII, Issue III, MARCH/2018,PP- 218-221,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
14. M. Praveen , B. Saida , Krishna Nayak,A Robust Framework for Spying of Malicious Apps in Online Social Network,International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering,Volume 7, Issue 12, DECEMBER/2017,PP- 395-398,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
15. Krishna Nayak , K. Suparna, Prof. K. Jagan Mohan,Identify Node Clones in Mobile Wireless Networks Using Fuzzy Based Implementation,International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences,Volume VIII, Issue 1, JANUARY/2018,PP- 495-499,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
16. Prof. K. Jagan Mohan , K. Venkataramu , G. Divya,An Innovative Mechanism for Optimal Profit of Cloud Supplier and Its Users,International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ,Volume VIII, Issue 1, JANUARY/2018,PP- 500-503,ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
17. A. Venugopal , Krishna Nayak, P. Manikarnika,An Efficient and Secure Scheme for Multi Keyword Ranked Searching,International Journal of Research,Volume 7, Issue IV, APRIL/2018,PP- 353-356,ISSN NO: 2236-6124.
18. A. Venugopal , K. Suparna , G. Saritha,Empower Updation of Ensured Location in Geosocial Applications,Universal Review,Volume VI, Issue IX, SEPTEMBER/2017,PP- 51-55,ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
19. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak, Development and Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Hybrid Higher Order Neural Networks for Exchange Rate Prediction, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, Volume IX, Issue 8, PP- 71-85.
20. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak,Artificial chemical reaction optimization based neural net for virtual data position exploration for efficient financial time series forecasting, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Volume 8. Issue 3, PublisherElsevier.
1. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak,Fluctuation prediction of stock market index by adaptive evolutionary higher order neural networks, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence, Volume 2, Issue 2-3, PP-229-253.
2. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak, Efficient forecasting of financial time series data with virtual adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, Volume2, Issue 4, PP-379-402.
3. A. Venugopa, Krishna Nayak , P. Manikarnika, Online Tweet Summarization and Ranking for Named Institution Impression, Universal Review, Volume V, Issue II, DECEMBER/2016, PP-84-88, ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
3. A. Venugopa, Krishna Nayak , P. Manikarnika, Online Tweet Summarization and Ranking for Named Institution Impression, Universal Review, Volume V, Issue II, DECEMBER/2016, PP-84-88, ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
5. K. VenkataRamu, A. Hareesha , Dr. Sarat Chandra Nayak, An Efficient and Dynamic Path Reconstruction in Wireless Networks, International Journal of Research, Volume 5, Issue I, January-June /2016, PP-173-177, ISSN NO: 2236-6124.
6. BalaThripuraSundari , K. Venkataramu , Dr. K. Kiran Kumar, An Efficient Secure System for Data Integrity and Replication in Cloud, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume VII, Issue IV, APRIL/2017, PP-60-63, ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
7. Krishna Nayak , K. Suparna, Prof. K. Jagan Mohan, Content based File Sharing System with Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks, Universal Review, Volume VI, Issue II, FEBRUARY/2017, PP-43-48, ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
8. A.Prakash, Advanced Security Mechanism at ATM Centers, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 10, PP-197-199, ISSN (Online) 2278-1021.
9. KarthikJilla, An Novel Approach to Determine Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs, Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (JoRSTEM), PP-69-72, ISSN: 2456-0197.
1. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak,An adaptive second order neural network with genetic-algorithm-based training (ASONN-GA) to forecast the closing prices of the stock market, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC), Volume 7 Issue 2, PP- 39-57, ISSN.2016040103.
2. Dr.Sarat Chandra Nayak , Artificial chemical reaction optimization of neural networks for efficient prediction of stock market indices,Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Volume 7 Issue 2,PP-371-390, ISSN 2090-4479.
3. B. Ramesh, K. VenkatRamu , Dr. K. Kiran Kumar, Semantic Image Retrieval Approach with Hidden Markov Model on Content Sharing Sites, Universal Review, Volume IV, Issue II, AUGUST/2015, PP-61-67, ISSN NO : 2277-2723.
4. K. Suparna, Dr. Dilip Kumar Mohapatra, G. Saritha, Appreciate Disagreeable Facebook Model in Online Social Network, International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume VI, Issue I, MARCH/2016, PP-68-71, ISSN NO : 2249-7455.
5. BalaThripuraSundari, Prof. K. Jagan Mohan, A. Venugopal, Development and Analysis of Anomaly Detection Approaches, International Journal of Research, Volume 5, Issue II, July-December /2016, PP-147-152,ISSN NO: 2236-6124.